
“who am i?

im just a dreamer. a hopeful romantic. unsupervised, within a world of eyes. fighting for what lies beyond appearances. trying to find my way…to somewhere, i belong.”

-Joshua Ryan Stewart

A dreamer.

That’s the best way to describe me. A girl with her brunette head forever floating the clouds of my mind. Always daydreaming, creating, and imagining. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think of a heroine fighting off impending invasions, a warrior defending a village, or the first moment of passion between lovers.

I have something to blame, a perpetrator that forever changed my life, influencing my very existence. Reading. Books shaped the very soul that rests in my body. Those pages pasted between covers, filled with endless combinations of words, written beautifully by strangers I had never met, changed me. I stumbled into a lifelong love for reading and haven’t looked back.

As a young, awkward child, I tried the life of athleticism and clubs, but nothing could hold my interest like stories of imagination. If I didn’t have a book on hand, I would create my own in my mind. Constantly enthralled with princes from faraway lands, time-traveling space ships, and magical beings. I feel endless, powerful, and liberated in this imaginative mind.

To create something as magnificent as I imagine would be the greatest purpose of my life. Dotting a period on the finishing sentence of my very own novel would be a monumental stepping stone, one I would cherish for the rest of my life. But to have that moment, that one great big sigh of accomplishment, and make it into a career would be the purpose I’ve been waiting all my life to do. A career of endless characters, an arsenal of words, and caffeine jitters would complete that awkward, brunette’s life. 

So, I will continue to dream. Dream every day, morning and night, until my dreams are my reality. Then, once I live that beautiful reality, I will continue to imagine and create and dream. 

To fully embrace my dreams and to achieve the life I crave, I must declare that I am a writer. I am a writer. Funnily enough, that’s my first moment I claim to be a writer. Writing those four words felt…good. Really good.

I challenge you to look and feel exactly what calls you and go after it. 

These are my poems I posted on my poetry Instagram (@dreaming_ofpoetry) that I thought were appropriate for this post. ❤

Also, the link to pre-order my debut novel is here and any purchase is greatly appreciated! 🙂 E-book and paperback are available November 15th!! I’m so excited to share with you the characters who brought me through rough times and lit up the dreams I softly breathed into.

Pen down,

Hannah Hanvey

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